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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Some Testing Definitions

An activity in which a system or component is executed under specified conditions, the results are observed or recorded, and an evaluations is made of some aspect of the system/component

Test Bed
An environment containing the hardware, instrumentation, simulation, software tools and other support elements needed to conduct a test

Test Case
A set of test inputs, execution conditions and expected results developed for a particular objective such as to exercise a particular program, path or to verify compliance with a specific requirement

Test Coverage
The degree or extent to which a given component must meet in order to pass a given test

Test Driver/Test Harness
A software module used to invoke a module under test and often, to provide test inputs, control and monitor execution, and report test results

Test Case Generator
A software tool that accepts as input source code, test criteria, specification, or data structure definitions; uses these inputs to generate test input data and sometimes determines expected results

Test Case Specification/ Test Description
A document that specifies the test inputs, execution conditions and predicted results for an item to be tested

Test Report
A document that describes the conduct and results of the testing carried out for a system or component

Acceptance Criteria
The criteria that a system/component must satisfy in order to be accepted by a user. customer or other authorized entity

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