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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Types of Software Testing

Static Testing
Static testing refers to testing something that’s not running. It is examining and reviewing it. The specification is a document and not an executing program, so it’s considered as static. It’s also something that was created using written or graphical documents or a combination of both including test plan, test strategy, test scenario, test case....etc

Dynamic Testing
Techniques used are determined by type of testing that must be conducted.

· Structural (usually called "white box") testing
· Functional ("black box") testing

Structural testing or White box testing
Structural tests verify the structure of the software itself and require complete access to the source code. This is known as ‘white box’ testing because you see into the internal workings of the code.

Functional or Black Box Testing
Functional tests examine the behavior of software as evidenced by its outputs without reference to internal functions. Hence it is also called ‘black box’ testing. If the program consistently provides the desired features with acceptable performance, then specific source code features are irrelevant. It's a pragmatic and down-to-earth assessment of software

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